Book Club Instructor
30+ years of management and educational experience; with a proven track record of leadership within various sectors, including housing, education, health care, human services, insurance and manufacturing.
Director of Human Resources and News Writer
Management consultant to NNV News (National Network View), the Nations news network, part of the Ministries of the Nation of Islam
Interim Executive Director of Public Housing and Human Resources Executive for a 671 unit Saginaw Michigan public housing authority, with low-income public housing units, senior apartment buildings, single and mixed use residential developments. Served as Executive Director for the organization’s programs, services and 1,300 staff members.
Director of Human Resources
Management Consultant for K-8 Charter School in Clayton County, Georgia. Improved human resources and operational functions. Specific deliverables included assisting with recruitment efforts, development of various procedure manuals, and Bus Driver Manual.
Public School Long-Term Substitute Teacher and After-School Program Beecher School District, grades k-12. Taught a variety of subjects including English, Math, and Social Studies. Prepared lesson plans in line with established curriculum and developed innovative teaching techniques to engage students, including development of a civil rights “team jeopardy” game.
Book Author,
Chronicle of the Seventh Son, Black Panther Mark Clark
Researched, wrote and published the historical true story of the life and 1969 assassination of Black Panther Leaders.
B.S. in Business Administration, Ferris State University; Big Rapids, Michigan Honors: Distinction; A.A.S. in Business, Mott Community College; Flint, Michigan; Life, Health, and Disability Institute; Michigan State University; Resident Agent in Accident, Health, & Life; State of Michigan Dept. of Licensing and Regulation, Insurance Bureau, Capital Fund Development Program Certification; National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO); HCV & Public Housing Rent Calculation Specialist Certification; Nan McKay; Senior Management OS-9000 Certification; Perrin, Fordree & Company; ISO-9000 Internal Auditor Certification; Michael Bachelor; Serve Safe Food Protection Manager Certification; National Restaurant Association.